How to Become a Business Leader?

How to become a business leader

The company director or CEO generally pursues one objective: that of increasing the turnover of his company. To do this, he decides on the strategy to be followed, he participates in the recruitment of profiles likely to make his company prosper and delegates a certain number of missions to them depending on their position.

Even if the profession can make more than one dream, it is good to remember that this is a job with heavy responsibilities. Indeed, the entrepreneur is at the same time the moral, legal and financial representative of his company. He is also able to make difficult decisions, particularly on the human level during layoffs. Management is at the heart of his job, he must know how to deal with everyday problems while having a long-term global vision to be able to make his business prosper.

Versatility Required to Become a Business Leader:

The business manager must be a good communicator, whether with his customers (he constantly represents the image of his brand) or with his employees. He must facilitate the transmission of information within his company, motivate his teams by setting achievable objectives, and be sufficiently available to listen to their various needs. Whether he works in an SME or a large company, the business manager must be an outstanding manager in order to promote the dynamism of his company, but also the well-being at work of his employees.

To become a business leader, it is essential to have an attraction for the “jack-of-all-trades” side of the profession. The fields of commerce, marketing, accounting, but also management should not frighten you as they can take an important place in the daily life of a business owner. Qualities such as a sense of organization and responsibility and a good ability to adapt will not be too much to participate in the success of his business. If this job can be very fulfilling from a personal point of view, it is advisable to have a good resistance to stress and to know how to delegate to the right people so as not to be overwhelmed by an inordinate amount of work.

Education and Training:

There is no specific diploma to become a business leader. The creation of a business (in particular a micro-business) does not require to have a diploma in particular, and a person can quite embark on the adventure without bac in pocket. However, you must have in your possession either a promising project, solid skills or a previous successful experience in a specific field. Even if there isn't really any ready-made training to become a business manager, that doesn't mean you have to leave school to be able to create your company as soon as possible.

While there are currently a large number of business leaders who only have the bac, it is now more common to continue their studies up to a level ranging from bac +2 to bac +5.

Thus, it is not uncommon to also find business leaders with a Master of Commerce degree. Other degree courses in the field of commerce, management and accounting may also constitute relevant paths for holders of the baccalaureate. From a bac +2, it is possible to integrate for example the BTS Management of SMEs, the BTS NDRC or the BTS Accounting, Economics and Management.

Training in Entrepreneurship:

Many centers offer future business leaders various short-term training courses to help them build their project, teach them how to manage their accounts, carry out their business plan or even choose the most appropriate legal status given their situation. Finally, we are starting to see the emergence of longer and more comprehensive training in the center or at a distance, allowing the acquisition of a body of knowledge in order to be able to embark on the world of entrepreneurship more calmly.

For Sports Companies, Notable Disparities in Performance:

In a context of strong growth in the size of the market and rapid reorganization of the offer, the sector does not yet seem to have reached full maturity. Indeed, if sports companies have become an economic sector in their own right, representing 2% of the turnover of commercial activities and 2.2% of the salaried workforce in France, they do not present any less strong disparities, in terms of individual performance on the one hand, and by sector on the other.

Linked in part to the massive entry of new players who, to reach a critical threshold and secure their market share, take more risks, differences in economic performance (represented by the margin rate) and solvency (represented by equity in the balance sheet) have increased over the past five years, varying widely between companies with growing sales and others.

Variable Dynamics Depending On the Sports Business Sector:

In full reorganization, with notable performance gaps, the market is torn according to the sectors, between concentration, on the one hand, around very large players as is the case for sports halls, distribution or industry manufacturing, and atomization, on the other hand, with a significant entry of very small businesses and one-person entities, as is the case for teaching or the rental of sporting goods. This dichotomy can be explained by a more in-depth sectoral analysis.

Sectors established for a long time, commerce or industry, are relatively stabilized and undergo slow changes although new factors (increase in international competition or development of online commerce) are likely to upset their balance. The activities surrounding the practice, on the other hand, are currently undergoing major changes linked to the significant increase in demand, welcoming a large number of new entrants each year.

Sport, A Lever for Boosting Regions:

For demographic, geographic, economic or socio-cultural reasons, the establishment of sports companies is unequal in the territory, both in terms of the number of companies, their economic weight and the diversity of the sectors represented. Relatively traditional, the logic of establishment corresponds to the traditional location of companies in France with a strong concentration around metropolises. The head offices of large sports companies are mainly located in the Paris region, but also in the North with the Decathlon brand: between them, the departments of Paris, Haunts-de-Seine and North represent more than 20% of the workforce of sports companies. Through this “head office” effect, the concentration of turnover is even greater.


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