How to Find and Remove Stolen Content in WordPress - 5 Secret Ways

How to Find and Remove Stolen Content in WordPress

You will have to work hard to publish the content on your website. After publishing the content, if someone steals the content, he will take traffic away from your brand. Other publishers can steal the content of your website in various ways. The most common method is blog content scraping. By using this method, they take the content from your website by using RSS Feed. After taking content from your website, they republish it on another website. In some cases, they simply copy the content from your website and paste it on their websites. If you are also facing this problem, you should find and remove the stolen content. Here, we will discuss the best methods to find and remove stolen content in WordPress.

1. Set Up Google Alerts:

The visitors of your website also visit the websites of your competitors. If they find the content of your website on your competitor’s website, they can send an alert to you. If you are getting alerts from your visitors, it is a good thing. Anyhow, you can’t wait for the alerts from your visitors. These visitors can’t send notifications of all the alerts. Here, you should make use of Google Alerts. Most of the webmasters are using it for brand name notifications. When someone will use the name of your website, it will send a notification via email. You can also set notifications for the content that people are using without your permission. To get these notifications, you will have to write your website’s name, URL and portion of the content.

2. Use Copyscape:

Copyscape is a plagiarism checker tool that you can use to check the plagiarism in the content. Along with using it as a plagiarism checker, you can also use it to find the stolen content on your website. It will not send automatic notifications just like Google Alerts. To use this tool, you will have to follow a manual process. You just need to enter the URL of your website in its search bar. After entering the URL of your website, you should hit the ‘Search button. It will provide a complete list of the copied and stolen content on your website. If you will use its free version, you will get only 10 results.

For the small blog or website, these 10 results are enough. Anyhow, if you have a large enterprise website, these 10 results are not enough for you. To check the large enterprise website, you will have to buy its premium version. In its premium version, you can check the entire website of up to 10,000 pages just with a single click. Just like Copyscape, you can also use Grammarly to find stolen content on your website. No doubt, it is a grammar checker tool but in its premium version, you can also check the plagiarism in your content. To check the matches of the content, you will have to copy the content from your website and paste it into this tool.

3. File a DMCA Complaint:

Google Alerts is automatic and Copyscape is a manual tool to find the copied content. After finding copied content on your website, the next step is to remove it. To remove it, you will have to file a DMCA complaint. In most cases, you will find the stolen content of your website on spam websites. You will not find the contact information on these spam websites. To find the contact information of a website, you can use the IsItWP lookup tool. When you will enter the URL of the website in this tool, it will show up the complete detail about the host and registrar.

You should directly contact them. If a website is using the stolen content, it is against the law. Almost all the hosting companies and registrars have strict laws against it. When you will provide complete details about these websites, these hosting companies and registrars will take strict actions against them. The most reputed web hosting companies will take immediate action against these complaints. As a result, they will immediately remove the pages that are violating their guidelines.

4. Contact Google:

As told by a dissertation help firm, sometimes you will not get a positive response from the host or registrar. Under such a situation, you should move further and file a DMCA complaint to Google. Before filing a DMCA complaint to Google, you should gather enough proofs. If you will file this complaint without proofs, Google may delete your account. You can use various methods to file a DMCA complaint to Google. Anyhow, I recommend you to use Google Search Console. You should also make sure that your website is also linked with this Google Search Console account.

In the Google Search Console, you can find the Copyright Removal Tool. Here, you will have to click on the ‘Create a New Notice’. When you will click on it, it will open up a new page. On this page, you will have to fill the required columns. You should try to provide detailed information. While gathering complete information about your complaint, you will have to take screenshots of the websites. Wayback Machine is the best tool to take screenshots of these websites. As a result, you can provide complete proof of the dates of your published content and stolen content.

5. Use a Premium Tool:

If you will follow the above steps to find and remove the content in your WordPress website, you will have to spend lots of time and efforts. All the webmasters can’t follow these steps. They can make use of a premium tool. To my extent, All in One Scanner and Takedown is the best tool for you. This tool will provide enough help to find duplicate content on your website across the web. You just need to enter the URL of your website and it will find the stolen content of your website. After finding the stolen content of your website, it will also file the DMCA complaint about the removal of the stolen content. You can buy their takedown services at just $199. Their team of experts will remove the stolen content from your WordPress website.


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  12. A few crucial procedures are involved in locating and eliminating stolen content from WordPress. Use plagiarism detection software such as Copyscape or Google Alerts. Suggest that the offending site remove any content that you uncover that has been stolen. If required, you may also submit a DMCA takedown request.


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